Hortalizas Ortiz

Characteristic of Hortalizas Ortiz

Hortalizas Ortiz Ltd., producer, distributor and exporter of lettuce, fresh and early vegetables, was founded in 1994 and is a family business, which is dedicated in the cultivation of vegetables in this zone since decades.

Its activity focuses mainly on the production and marketing of fresh vegetables for the fresh consumption, which includes the following:

1. Roman Lettuce
2. Baby Lettuce (head)
Others: cauliflower, cabbage (smooth and curly), red cabbage, celery, delicate onions, onions (dry and sweet) and broccoli.

Recently Hortalizas Ortiz carefully selected new cultivation zones in the provinces of Alicante, Murcia, Albacete and Grandada, due to the fact of the expansion in new markets, the represented product range and the services offered. Therewith they aim to maintain the production volume and the production quality during the whole year for every single product.

The policy direction is determined by the introduction of technical mediums and the human resources required for each of the processes involved in our production system, which leads to a culture of continuous improvement that ensures the quality of our products.

Altogether a group of 160 employees with technical equipment belong to Hortalizas Ortiz. Subdivided in the following departments: administrative, sales, human resources, quality, production and logistic.

Lettuce leaves
Hortalizas Ortiz, S.L. · Camino de Enmedio, 59 · 03300 Orihuela (Alicante) Spain
Phone: +34 966 744 120 - Fax: +34 966 744 867 · ortiz@hortalizasortiz.com